Monday, November 12, 2007

From Anonymous

There is so much going on right now behind the scenes at Cambridge college. You can't just sit back as a student paying to go to a college that has been deceptive, greedy, and only out to get your money. You have to be smart, and you have to stop supporting an administration that is pretending that everything is going to be okay. For the students who are in denial thinking that what took place at our school isn't going to effect you,, than your wrong!!!! Even if you are going to graduate with your Associates degree, our school now has gained a bad reputation. Think about Parks college and what they are now known for. We are paying for the mistakes of the administration and now there isn't a way to go back and fix it,,, we are stuck with what we enrolled ourselves into.
I also want to put something out there. Before you decide that you want to stick it out and not switch to a diploma, I want you to think about how much an Associates is going to help you. We are the only school that offers a degree. There are many employers out there hiring techs, MA and others without an Associates. Before all of this happened, you could take your associates and go further, therefore benefiting you. But, now after talking to my X-ray teacher, they told me that it doesn't matter if you have an associates or not( coming from our college) Just something to think about. Why not take the money back from your GE classes and after you graduate with a diploma, go to another college that will matter. Spend your money wise and worth while. I am just really now starting to think ,,,,, are they offering an Associates to get more money from me,, when in reality it doesn't matter when getting hired somewhere? How much is that Associates really worth? I don't know about surgical tech, but as far as x-ray students,,,, our teacher plainly said,,,, it doesn't make a difference to have an Associates or diploma out in the field. Of course, if you were at a university or other college it would matter, but not from our school. Just be careful about the deception that is going on, and use wisdom. Even if you go to student services and ask questions, don't just believe what they say,, you have to remember that everyone is out for their own. Their not looking out for the students best interest, their looking out for their own.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anonymous said...
Central Ray is pissed, but where are the other children's stories. All I am seeing is the pissing part. You need to put in some stories for human interest. Actually, I think that a website like this is not very productive. You say that you don't want to bitch, but that seems to be what is actually being done. I am not a big fan of Halloween, but hey, the decorations whether there or not will not change the accreditation process. This is an irrelevant bitch to boot.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I don't think criticicism is the same as bitching. The people affected by this schools negligence could be in a lot of trouble. I think that this website could be used by the students to help each other out. I am interested in the opinions that anyone has to offer. I don't think it's wrong to also vent a little frustration in the process. I would like to have people contribute what they plan to do. I appreciate what Bucky and Central Ray are trying to do. I wish I had thought of it myself. I would like advice from others based on what they have experienced. I think the point is we are all in it together, so lets work together. There is a girl in my class who told me she spoke to a lawyer about her options. I would like to see her write about what she found out. Personally, I'm considering trying to take two classes at the same time. Maybe I can finish before the final decision about the accredidation arrives. I hope for the best. Maybe the school will be fine, and everything will be ok. I don't want to sit by and wait, hoping. Everybody has heard the old saying, "hope in one hand and..." well you know the rest.

Anyway thanks Bucky and Central Ray for doing the leg work. I hope the results of this website will turn for the better.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Link on the side!

We put up a link to Dr. Haynes website on the sidebar. Check it out.

Bucky and Central Ray

Happy Halloween!

Central Ray is Pissed, and other children's stories...

Central Ray here.

I think Halloween is great. I like candy, and kids aren't just for smacking around anymore. OK, great....I'm not a grinch, right?

I'm glad we got that out of the way.

What is a better use of the school staff's time? Putting leaves in the freaking hallway, or DOING EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO GET THE GODDAMNED ACREDITATION?

How long did that take them? Check out the Financial Aid office. I'll bet it took those gals four hours to put that stuff up. It will take them another four hours to take it down. Being conservative, I'll bet three employees did that. I consulted some ancient Chinese scrolls and found out that 3 employees working for 8 hours each is 24 manhours. TWENTY FOUR FLIPPING HOURS ON GODAMNED HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS!!!!!

When I see stuff like that, it makes me ask questions. Questions like: Why is there no Director of Education yet? Why are needed curriculum revisions not done? Why are students waiting for two, and even three days of class to go by without their textbooks?

Here is the biggest one:

Why haven't I gotten a call from them to discuss my options yet?

I believe we have a talented group at the school. I'm not picking on Financial Aid, I'm actually giving them a compliment here: I'll bet those ladies could solve some of these problems if they were asked to. I'll bet they could post "Help Wanted" ads on the appropriate websites and place ads in the papers. I'll bet they could call around to people in the education industry and look for a qualified DOE. I'll bet they could come up with a system for supplying the students with textbooks ontime, or help out with the curriculum revisions. They are smart and talented in there. I know this because I am, at times, an idiot. They have helped me with all kinds of things before, and I'm not a guy that ever has easy problems to fix.

I wish their talent and time wasn't being wasted by spreading yard waste around the halls. I wish the hundreds of dollars spent on decorations could be given as a bonus to one of the teachers, or one of the hardworking front desk staff.

I wish I was taller and better looking, too.

By the way - does anybody else feel bad for the poor cleaning lady?

Keep those comments rolling in, folks.

Central Ray

HAPPY HALLOWEEN??? by, Funkman

The following post was e-mailed to us by Funkman. We decide to share it. If you would like to contribute a post, send it to Please do not send attachments, just cut and paste your blog into an email, and fire away.
Sincerely, your humble scribes,
Central Ray and Bucky

I understand why our Administration prefers to treat all of us students like nine year olds. That age group is easier to control, and take advantage of. However, none of the students at Cambridge College are nine. Which is a shame because I’m sure nine year olds would appreciate all the Halloween decorations that have been carefully placed in the halls and classrooms of our building. I’m not one that likes to complain, but I can’t help but wonder if the time and resources devoted to our little haunted house couldn’t be better utilized. In the times we are experiencing at Cambridge College, is it really appropriate to devote money and man hours to celebrating Halloween? Personally, I have been consumed on a daily basis with the worries of our current situation. I know I would better appreciate the same devotion of resources used to celebrate a kid’s holiday, to remedy this mess we find ourselves in instead. I have yet to receive any personal attention to discuss my options in light of paying for an education that may not be accredited. I know of a few hundred students that could occupy all that free time our faculty appears to have. Also, it appears to me we are still lacking essential teaching staff. Maybe we could offer our “decorations budget” as an incentive, to hire quality persons for our education. After all, Cambridge College, I am giving you thousands of dollars for an education, not to host a Halloween party.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Whats up now.........10/26/07

Bucky and Central Ray have constructed the following timeline. These events are to the best of our knowledge, and we will post links so the readers can verify our research.

January, 16th 2007 ACCSCT issued a probation order to the schools owned and operated by High Tech Insitute, inc. This includes Cambridge College of Aurora, CO
October, 2nd 2007 There was a public notice of probation by ACCSCT for Cambridge College
October, 23rd 2007 Classes were cancelled for a teacher inservice meeting
October, 24th 2007 A surprise meeting was called during which the student body was informed for the first time of the probation status and a possible loss of accredidation from the ACCSCT
Later that day we, your humble scribes Bucky and Central Ray, performed research. We found lots of material that helped us answer some questions we had. Some of these questions were asked, but not answered by our administration.
We've posted links to the right for everyone's benefit. Please contribute in any way you see fit.
You can make comments on any of our posts you see by clicking on the comment button located below each posting. If you would like us to publish a posting for you, email it to Bucky and Central Ray @:


and why are they smiling

About This Project

This is intended to be a discussion about the accreditation problems at Cambrige College in Aurora, Colorado. We are two students that go there. We are not affiliated with the administration in any way. Our intention is to band together as a student body in an effort to benefit all individuals affected by the recent events. Keep in mind this is not a bitch session and any complaining just will not do. We must however share experiences and ideas to get what we were all promised. Let there be no confusion, we were promised an education of quality and an accreditted degree. So let's get together and see what we can do!

Drink the Kool-Aid!!!!

Your humble scribes have noticed a disturbing trend. Often, questions are asked of the administration, and rarely definitive answers are given. We’re disturbed at how easy it is to find some of these answers on our own. If the answers are out there in internet land, why isn’t the administration savvy to it? That makes your humble scribes’ pointy little ears perk up. It makes us wonder if something is being sugarcoated. Let’s face it, folks, the powers that be have jeopardized several months of our hard work and money. Is it fair for us to pay for their lack of diligence? No matter what sweet nothings they whisper in our pointy little ears, we are still faced with the prospect of a “degree” that’s worth as much as a cup of water is to a drowning man.
Some folks may remember a meeting in July, where the old president (Raymond Ada) instructed us to: 1 – come to school every day, 2 – Pay our money on time, and 3 – don’t worry about the job the administration is doing. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, right? Our accreditation will be fine! Drink the Kool-Aid!
Your humble scribes, Bucky and Central Ray, are sitting here scratching our heads. We did what we were told. Where the hell is Raymond Ada now?

Suspicions, Fear and Loathing

There are two new subjects that surfaced today, that led your humble scribes to perk up our pointy ears.
1. It appears that some new GE teachers are on a “Term Contract” until January 2008. This may be a normal hiring practice, but why would the school have such short contracts? Your humble scribes think it is suspicious that the school isn’t making better arrangements to keep these teachers employed for a longer period of time. It’s not like we have had GE teachers falling from the sky lately. Are we anticipating not needing GE teachers after January?
2. Some newer students have told us that they are being called at home and encouraged to switch to the diploma program. We aren’t aware of any students who have been at the school for a long period of time getting the same special treatment. Is this because more senior students have already paid enough money to cover the diploma program and then some? Does this mean that if the school loses it’s accreditation and the senior students are forced at gunpoint from the degree program to the diploma program, the school doesn’t risk all that juicy tuition money? Plus, some of the senior students want a call at home too! We are lonely! Don’t they love us after we’ve paid? We’ve dated people like that, and it always ends in tears.

Colorado Department of Higher Education

On October, 30th Central Ray spoke to Rene at the Colorado of Higher Education CDHE in a phone conversation. In that conversation, Rene stated that to her knowledge the accredidation was valid until June 2008. She also stated that currently enrolled students have the following 3 options:
1. Withdraw now and continue your education on your own. The Cambridge College Enrollment Agreement states the following graduated payment structure.

If you have
completed:................... You pay:

1-10% ..............10%
10-25% .............25%
25-50% .............50%
50-75% .............75%
75-100% ............100%

2. school-out or teach-out program that you can read more about this program by following the link for the school out program

3. Transfer from the degree program to the Diploma program in which case the school will apparently give you "credit" for whatever General Education classes you have already completed and payed for.

Keep in mind this is information from a source outside of Cambridge College and the above options were not gauranteed by the school Administration
We were puzzled to find from the CDHE their opinion is that our Accredidation is valid until June of 2008. If this is true why was that confidence not conveye by our own administration.

Also the "credit" that was mentioned in return for GE classes if choosing the diploma program is undefined. You can't skimp on your diploma training, you can't get a refund for it, and you can't take it to another school for credit, so what good is it?

The Famous Letter

Here is a letter that was presented to Sheila on September 27th, 2007. The students that composed this letter gave us permission to post their names.

Cambridge College Administration
350 Blackhawk
Aurora, CO 80011

Dear Cambridge College Administration,
Subject: Questions from the student body
Recently, there have been many changes within the school. These changes have given rise to a multitude of concerns. Collectively the student body would like to have these concerns addressed by the Administration. Our goal is to resolve the following issues to the satisfaction of both the students and the Administration. Please devote your time and attention to the following questions:

1. Some students still don’t fully understand the results of the new accreditation process. Is the process complete? Is the school in danger of losing it’s accreditation?

2. What can the student body do to improve communication with the Administration? We felt that under the previous Administration, some concerns were brushed off. ”You don’t need to know” is not an appropriate answer.

3. What is the cause of the high faculty turnover rate? Is there anything the student body can do to help?
4. What is the Administration doing to address faculty burnout? Does the Administration feel that a teacher who teaches four sessions a day can deliver the same performance in the classroom as a teacher who only teaches two sessions per day?

5. Why do we not have the appropriate number of instructors? We know there are ongoing efforts to hire new instructors, but they don’t appear to be effective. Is there a plan to address this deficiency?

6. We have seen several instructors leave the school in the last few months. Is there a plan to retain the present, high quality staff, as well as retain future employees?

7. There is concern among the student body about the quality of education we get for our tuition. Several times, instructors have indicated dissatisfaction with textbooks. Some textbooks are rarely or never used in the class. There are also instances where students have chosen to purchase books from outside vendors that were of more use during the course. Is a more effective use of the textbook dollars possible?

In closing, we would like to reinforce the idea that this letter is not meant to be confrontational or accusatory. We are cognizant of the high reputation the school has in the community, and we wish to maintain the level of respect the school enjoys. Our goal is to achieve an outcome that is equitable for students and staff. We would like the school to be profitable and continue to serve as a place of employment for the many fine staff members. We as students would like to receive an education that we would be proud to recommend to our friends and family members. We would be happy to sit down on a one-on-one basis to provide any necessary clarification, or provide ideas for addressing these concerns. We appreciate the administration’s time in reading this letter.

Matthew Sarchet and Owen Bradshaw

About this project

This is intended to be a discussion about the accreditation problems at Cambrige College in Aurora, Colorado. We are two students that go there, and not affiliated with the administration in any way. Our intention is to band together as a student body in an effort to benefit all individuals affected by the recent events. Keep in mind this is not a bitch session and any complaining just will not do. We must however share experiences and ideas to get what we were all promised. Let there be no confusion, we were promised an education of quality and an accreditted degree. So let's get together and see what we can do!

What's up now - 10/26/07

Bucky and Central ray have constructed the following timeline. These events are to the best of our knowledge, and we will post links so the readers can verify our research.

January, 16th 2007 ACCSCT issued a probation order to the schools owned and operated by High Tech Insitute, inc. This includes Cambridge College of Aurora, CO
October, 2nd 2007 There was a public notice of probation by ACCSCT for Cambridge College
October, 23rd 2007 Classes were cancelled for a teacher inservice meeting
October, 24th 2007 A surprise meeting was called during which the student body was informed for the first time of the probation status and a possible loss of accredidation from the ACCSCT
Later that day we, your humble scribes Bucky and Central Ray, performed research. We found